Complex Numbers are Secretly Polynomials

September 2, 2023

8 and 14 are equal, mod 3. They have the same remainder, so this should come as no surprise. Let's draw it out anyway.


To observe the painstakingly obvious: each collection of dots can be split into the form QQ(3)+(3) + RR, where QQ is the quotient and RR is the remainder. If you ignore the QQ part, you see that 8 and 14 have the same value of RR, 22, so they're the same, mod 3. We call two numbers equal under this system if they differ only by a multiple of 3.

What does this have to do with complex numbers or polynomials? All in due time.

The Naive Approach

If I were to ask you to give me a polynomial representation of a complex number, you'd probably give me something like

φ ⁣:a+bia+bx\varphi\!: a + bi \mapsto a + bx

It's the first thing any reasonable person would come up with, and for good reason: φ(0)=0\varphi(0) = 0, φ(1)=1\varphi(1) = 1, and addition works the same in both spaces. But there's a glaring issue -- multiplication doesn't work. If we multiply out two of our polynomials, we get

(a+bx)(c+dx)(a + bx)(c + dx)=ac+(ad+bc)x+(bd)x2= ac + (ad + bc)x + (bd)x^2

which doesn't fit into our paradigm (note the x2x^2). Our problem here is that polynomials don't capture the essence of complex numbers -- nothing in a+bxa + bx screams i2=1i^2 = -1, because xx is too generic a standin for ii. Let's look at another example where polynomial multiplication goes wrong. Consider:

(1+i)(1+i)=2i(1 + i)(1 + i) = 2i (1+x)(1+x)=2x+x2+1(1 + x)(1 + x) = 2x + x^2 + 1

We get different answers, but different how? I've written it a bit suggestively, but you might notice that the difference between the two results is x2+1x^2 + 1, the defining polynomial for ii. Coincidence? Let's try another.

(3+4i)(10+2i)(73i)(3 + 4i)(10 + 2i)(7 - 3i)=292+256i= 292 + 256i

So we should get an answer of 292+256i292 + 256i. This doesn't happen automatically in the polynomial case, but if we factor out the x2+1x^2 + 1 term, we get

(3+4x)(10+2x)(73x)(3 + 4x)(10 + 2x)(7 - 3x)=210+232x82x224x3= 210 + 232x - 82x^2 - 24x^3=(24x82)(x2+1)+(292+256x)= (-24x - 82)(x^2 + 1) + (292 + 256x)

It looks like we get the answer we expect on the right but with this extra term on the left. At this point, it might become clear what's happening: if we substitute ii for xx like discussed earlier, the x2+1x^2 + 1 vanishes and we get the answer we want. Every polynomial can be split into an x2+1x^2 + 1 part and a remainder part, QQ(x2+1) + (x^2 + 1)\ +\ RR (in our case, QQ =24x82 = -24x - 82 and RR =292+256x = 292 + 256x), so we just ignore the QQ part. But that's not the end of the story -- to really understand what's going on, we need to talk about quotient sets.

Quotient Sets


Some quick terminology: R[x]\mathbb R[x] refers to the set of polynomials with real coefficients (sometimes called a polynomial ring). Members of R[x]\mathbb R[x] include 0,1,x3+2,x1000, 1, x^3 + 2, x^{100}, and anything else of that form. We don't include 1+x+x2+x3+1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + \cdots, because it goes on forever.

As we saw earlier, R[x]\mathbb R[x] already almost behaves like C\mathbb C, and it works perfectly if you treat x2+1x^2 + 1 like 00. So all we need to do is split the polynomial into QQ and RR and just consider the RR. How can we make this more precise?

This is where quotient sets come in. The expression R[x]/(x2+1)\mathbb R[x] / (x^2 + 1) (read "R[x] mod x-squared-plus-one".) tells us to work within R[x]\mathbb R[x], but to "ignore" the QQ part -- if that sounds familiar, it's exactly what we did with division by 3 at the start of the article.[1] Specifically, it calls two polynomials the same if they differ only by a multiple of x2+1x^2 + 1. This lines up with our understanding of complex numbers: if zz and ww differ by a multiple of i2+1i^2 + 1, are they really different?

Just like we can talk about integers mod 3, we can talk about polynomials mod x2+1x^2 + 1. In the integers mod 3, we explicitly say that 3=03 = 0 and see what follows. In our quotient set, we explicitly say that x2+1=0x^2 + 1 = 0 and see what follows. In both cases, the statement "mod 3" or "mod x2+1x^2 + 1" is just a reminder that we're ignoring some part of the expression by forcing it to be zero.

Under this mapping, for example, the following polynomials would be equal

1+2x1 + 2x2+2x+x22 + 2x + x^22+6x+x2+4x32 + 6x + x^2 + 4x^3

Since they all have the same remainder, mod x2+1x^2 + 1. Equivalently, if you plug in x=ix = i, you'll see that they all evaluate to the same thing. Technically, we'd say C\mathbb C and R[x]/(x2+1)\mathbb R[x] / (x^2 + 1) are isomorphic, meaning they "act the same" with regards to addition and multiplication.[2]

General Quotients

The fundamental idea here is that if we have a set of objects SS, we can make a smaller version by considering some objects the same; in the case of R[x]/(x2+1)\mathbb R[x] / (x^2 + 1), SS is the set of polynomials, and we consider two the same if they differ by a multiple of x2+1x^2 + 1.


A relation is any rule you come up with that says if two objects are "the same".[3] For example, the relation for R[x]/(x2+1)\mathbb R[x] / (x^2 + 1) is "two polynomials are the same if they differ by a multiple of x2+1x^2 + 1".

Relations are often denoted using the \sim symbol. Symbolically, we'd say fgx2+1 divides (fg)f \sim g \Longleftrightarrow x^2 + 1\ \mathrm{divides}\ (f - g)

We can go much further than "two objects are the same based on their difference". In fact, we can construct a quotient set from just about any relation you want. If you have a set SS and a relation between objects \sim, you can begin reasoning about S/ ⁣S/\!\sim.

  1. Consider Z×Z\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z, the set of all pairs of integers. If we apply the relation (a,b)(c,d)ad=bc(a, b) \sim (c, d) \Longleftrightarrow ad = bc, then congratulations! You've constructed (Z×Z)/ ⁣(\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z) / \! \sim, the set of fractions, also known as Q\mathbb Q.[4] If it's unclear why, observe how you can cross-multiply two equal fractions and look at the formula you get.
  2. The integers mod 5, written Z5\mathbb Z_5, can be constructed using the relation ab5 divides (ab)a \sim b \Longleftrightarrow 5\ \mathrm{divides}\ (a - b). Then, Z5\mathbb Z_5 is nothing but Z/ ⁣\mathbb Z / \! \sim. Think about why we can only have 5 elements in this set!
  3. Consider R3×3\mathbb R^{3 \times 3} (the set of 3x3 matrices) and the relation ABdetA=detBA \sim B \Longleftrightarrow \det A = \det B. Because we consider two matrices the same if they have the same determinant, each collection of "equivalent" matrices can be identified by its determinant. So, R3×3/ ⁣\mathbb R^{3 \times 3} / \! \sim behaves like R\mathbb R under multiplication, since determinants multiply when multiplying matrices.

Hopefully these examples have elucidated the convenience of quotient sets in mathematics. They're not always strictly necessary (you knew what a fraction was before reading this article), but they can allow us to construct complicated behavior by "filtering down" large, easy-to-describe objects.

  1. In the language of ring theory, R[x]\mathbb R[x] is actually read "R adjoin x", so the whole thing should be read "R-adjoin-x mod x-squared-plus-one".
  2. The term "isomorphic" comes from the Greek "iso-" meaning equal and "morphe" meaning shape, so understandably, we generally call two mathematical structures isomorphic if they have the same shape, i.e. behave the same. Specifically, this isomorphism would be a ring isomorphism.
  3. This should actually be called an equivalence relation. In general, a relation can really be anything we want, but equivalence relations have to follow three rules:
    • Reflexivity - For all xx, xxx \sim x
    • Symmetry - xyx \sim y implies yxy \sim x
    • Transitivity - xyx \sim y and yzy \sim z implies xzx \sim z
    These rules are all pretty intuitive, so I felt that their omission was warranted :)
  4. We also stipulate that b,d0b, d \neq 0, obviously.